National New Voters Project Interest Form

Students have been, and continue to be, at the forefront of movements to build a better future for our country. But students only make real progress when they’re organized, have the skills to be effective, and have a strategic plan to get things done. For nearly 50 years the Student PIRGs helped students to get organized, mobilized and energized so they can continue to be on the cutting edge of positive change.

Despite record-breaking progress during the 2020 and 2018 elections, young people continue to be underrepresented in our democracy. Only 50 percent of eligible 18-29 year-olds voted, compared to 65 percent of the voting eligible population. We must do all we can to change this dynamic and ensure young people are participating in the political process.

Hundreds of student leaders with the Student PIRGs New Voters Project are ready to turn out their campuses in a big way this midterm election! We plan to reach hundreds of thousands of students by organizing big events, speaking in classes, tabling on campus, and more to help register, educate, and turn out their peers to vote this fall. 

We are seeking students who are passionate about making a difference in their communities to participate a New Voters Project Internship! Our leadership program provides students the skills, training, resources, and guidance to run effective campaigns to help mobilize their peers to vote this midterm election.
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Can you join us for the National NVP Get out the Vote Training (Tuesday 10/18 @ 6pm ET)?
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Why are you interested in getting involved in the New Voters Project?
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